Cultivating authentic, powerful leadership
I am on a journey, inquiring deeply about my lived trauma and my inherited trauma. I want to better understand who I am and how I walk through the world. I want to be able to deeply connect with myself. I want to embody “enoughness.”
This is the journey I invite my clients on. It’s one of deep inquiry and co-creation.
Have you been wondering what’s holding your leadership development back? Are you wondering what survival strategies might be at play in how you show up, and how you let others in? Are you wondering how these elements might even be impacting your organizational culture?
What do you need to let go of in order to pick up what you want?
Letting go of old stories and old ways of being can be daunting and disorienting. It requires us to bring a beginner’s mindset to an unbounded space that opens the possibility of a new way of being in the world. What do you need to put down in order to pick up what you want?
Embodied Decision-making: How aligning decisions with purpose and core value can improve business outcomes
What happens when companies revert back after professing to change culture to reflect core values? What signal does that send? What are the full costs to reverting back to old ways of being? What does that say about what's really important? What's at stake? Business continuity? Resilience? Now imagine if your company could be more profitable, more resilient if you put purpose and people first.
Trust, Resilience, Adaptability, and Teams
What would it be like if companies focused instead on investing in cultivating resilience, adaptability, and creativity amongst their people? What benefits might that create? This is what I call “Leaderful” teams. It’s a culture and an ethos built on trust, authenticity, transparency, generative feedback (requested and received by all), inclusion, and compassion. It’s modeled by those at the top of the organization and practiced throughout.
Leadership: Opening the Door to Possibility
Recently in our Tango class, we focused on a particular piece of Tango vocabulary (for fellow Tangueros - barrida/arrastre con colgada) that I feel embodies much of the philosophy of the dance form - deep listening and collaboration, and living in a call and response relationship to your partner and the music. Tango is, after all, an improvisational dance. Just like leadership.
What is Somatic Coaching?
Curious about Somatic Coaching? Wondering about the benefits of this approach? This post will answer your questions and more.
Why I do this work
8 years ago I almost died. This is the story of how perseverance enabled my recovery. These experiences support me in my mission to cultivate courageous leaders that regenerate their leadership by reconnecting to their innate wisdom and honoring their own unique gifts.
Are you getting in the way of your own leadership?
Is extra work, or rework, or confusion in your organization or on your team getting in the way of achieving revenue or cost savings goals? It might be you, not your team…
What becomes possible without your armor?
It’s astonishing to discover how much we armor ourselves. Sometimes we’re aware of the shields we put up. Sometimes we’re not.
Changing Habits
Our biology is a reflection of what we practice. How we breathe, how we stand, spiritual practices, how we respond to certain external stimuli, how we engage with our surroundings all shape our bodies. While the neurons that fire together strengthen the neural pathway each time, it takes time to fully hardwire new habits and behaviors. This is why it’s so hard to change behavioral patterns we may have picked up as kids. The patterns are deeply embedded in our entire being. Lots of practice is required to overcome that. As one of my teachers, Dr. Richard Strozzi-Heckler says, “it takes 300 repetitions to create a new habit. 3000 repetitions to create the muscle memory. Knowledge is only a rumor until it’s in the body.”
I am Not Enough
In our culture, it’s common that we fear we’ll lose dignity, or not belong if we don’t meet certain societal or familial standards. There is a societal narrative about showing up “perfectly”. We are bombarded daily with hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of “perfection” on social media, TV, and in movies. There are countless times I’ve scrolled through Facebook, or LinkedIn, and thought to myself - “Wow, this person is doing incredible things/having incredible adventures. I shouldn’t post any updates because that will just confirm for the world how boring my life is. They (and presumably others) will think less of me.” Has that ever happened to you?
Fluidity in Leadership
I believe it’s important that leaders recognize their level of fluidity through their body’s cues. Cultivating this awareness enables leaders to recognize what their physical and emotional bodies are ready for, what might more easily be achieved, what will likely be harder. Recognizing the fluidity in one’s own body can provide insight into your resilience with regards to the situation at hand. Developing this awareness strengthens your effectiveness as a leader. Let me provide some context about where I’m coming from.
Getting Back on the Bike and Letting the Body Lead
I invite you to listen to your body. Your heart. Notice what becomes possible when your leadership originates from your heart and body.
What are you practicing? Get back up on your leadership bike and see what flows. Where is your glee? Where is the wind on your face?
Becoming a leader requires stepping into a new way of being. What might be holding you back?
Fully embracing leadership requires learning and practicing new things outside your zone of comfort and competency. It also requires letting go of the identity associated with whatever skill set you've been perfecting. Letting go of this other identity isn't always easy.
Slow Dancing
I see a strong parallel between the stages of maturing for a leader and the stages of growth I’ve experienced studying Argentine Tango for over 12 years.